It seems as though Kid C is off schedule by about four hours. It's 2:30 and he just decided to eat breakfast. He took a short nap and then finished his morning bottle. He doesn't seem to want me to put him down for more than 3 seconds, but that's going to be put to an end pretty soon. I understand that this is a transition, so he may be a little needy, so I won't Ferber him or anything! But, in the long run, after this transitional phase is over, shit has to get done. He will not be 10 months old sitting on my hip half of the day. Time to plan dinner.
I actually got a couple of things done today: I brushed the dog and went through a pile of bills and paperwork.
Kid C is finally napping. It's 5:30 and I need to make dinner. One little problem: He's napping on me. Kid A did his homework. Kid B didn't die of boredom, though she has asked when Mommy is coming home a half dozen times (at least).
Big plus: Kids A, B and C are all still alive, and I haven't burned the house down... Yet! My wife should be calling any minute to say she is on her way home. As soon as I make dinner, I'll consider today a success!
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