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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Gathering of the Vibes!!!

Well, everyone is blogging now. My wife is blogging. My sister-in-law has a blog with followers. WTF?! I blog occasionally.  Extremely occasionally.  Working Class Dad. That's what I called this one. I have two blogs. This one I haven't touched since my son Gabe was born, about 4 months ago.  Too busy. Working a lot.  Bennies are here, 60 hours a week, not a lot of time dedicated to writing.  That's right, the creative side falls to the wayside. The cool thing is though, I'm taking the family on a mini-vacation.  We're going to a hippie music festival, the Gathering of the Vibes Festival in Bridgeport, Connecticut.  I'm psyched. The kids are psyched. I think my wife is excited just to get out of the house, let alone the state!  It will be our first family trip (as a family of 5 that is).  It should be pretty interesting, considering the kids attention spans, and the fact that we'll be on the road for 3 1/2 hours and then be at the festival ALL DAY! I think they'll dig it, the music, the scene... After all, they are my kids!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

What to do When You Work for a Bi-polar Psychotic Megalomaniac

I'm thinking I may have a lot more time to blog now that I'm probably quitting my current job. Yes, that's right, that's what you do when you realize that your Bi-Polar Megalomaniac boss is never going to change. You weigh you options. Come up with a contingency plan. Have your leverage in your pocket, and when your leverage isn't quite enough, fall back on your contingency plan. I sure am glad I don't burn my bridges, and can always rely on my excellent work ethic and reputation to give me a paycheck. Well, tomorrow will be a day to decide my future at Klein's.  I'm thinking it's not going to end well... For Klein's that is. We'll see.