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Monday, January 17, 2011

Mr. Momday/Cable Update

Ok, so I've decided to re-vamp the blog, and combine my other blog with this one. It's just too much to try and write two blogs and a screenplay at the same time. So, with that said, Mondays will henceforth by Mr. Momday posts. Since my last rant about the pain-in-the-ass cable company, I took matters into my own hands. After bitching on the phone to every rep they gave me while getting the runaround from them all day the day before, I dsecided to just return the new boxes to a local office. Twenty minutes after I got home from my field trip to the cable payment center, my replacement boxes actually worked

Today I was watching PBS Kids with Kid B. The cartoon Franny's Feet was on. For those not familiar, this is the premise: Franny hangs out with her Grandpa at his shop all day. He's a shoemaker. People come in and drop their shoes off, Franny takes the shoes and puts them on, then proceeds to have an imagined adventure. Her feet take her somewhere new every time. At the end of the adventure, the shoes have actually been fixed. So, my issue is this: Are we teaching our kids that it's okay to wear other people's shoes? Kind of disgusting if you ask me. I know it's just a cartoon, and she's not really putting them on, but the kids watching it don't know that. Point to  ponder. Check out an episode below. It really is a cute show.

And while we're on the subject of kids shows, what's up with Max and Ruby on Nick Jr? Where the hell are their parents? Nobody knows. Thank god Grandma lives next door!

On another note:
My wife left her cell phone at home today completely by accident. I realized how much we take text messaging for granted. Several times today, I went to text her about something that happened, or something that I wanted to mention to her. But I realized Duh, you can't! Even though she's at work every Monday through Friday, I missed her more today because I wasn't in contact with her at all today. Not that we text each other every other minute, but she sends me messages when something funny happens at the pee-pee doctor's office, and I text her shopping lists at the end of the day, or other stupid shit. The funny thing is, we'll actually have something to talkabout when she gets home tonight!

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